We have demonstrated how the tantrics (witch-craft), babas, palmist/astrologers and quack doctors ma... We have demonstrated how the tantrics (witch-craft), babas, palmist/astrologers ...
He sought not to concentrate on methods to eradicate diseases but rather focused on obs He sought not to concentrate on methods to eradicate diseases but rather focused...
General awareness about the dangers of corona needs to be increased. General awareness about the dangers of corona needs to be increased.
There she came... with a white cloth wrapped around her. There was a huge commotion. There she came... with a white cloth wrapped around her. There was a huge commot...
A story of a frightening encounter and a weird disease that caused it all.. A story of a frightening encounter and a weird disease that caused it all..
The story takes an unexpected turn when the narrator sees, late in the night, Jamila coming down fro... The story takes an unexpected turn when the narrator sees, late in the night, Ja...